Behavioral therapies that inspire meaningful change
CSD’s evidence-based behavioral therapies stimulate and engage development and improve behaviors.

A comprehensive and personalized approach
CSD’s thorough behavioral therapies address challenges in cognitive learning, social, emotional, communication, motor, and adaptive skill development through compassion and humility.
Philosophy of care
- Focus on maximizing client initiation and independence – We want client participation to always be characterized by active engagement and meaningful, varied responses to multiple cues in natural situations, interactions, and activities.
- Flexible teaching style centered on individualized client treatment plans – we incorporate our clients’ interests and preferences into treatment activities as much as possible.
- Emphasis on intrinsic, naturalistic reinforcement – Without reliance on external reinforcement unrelated to the activity or interaction (e.g., candy, stars), motivation to participate and learn in everyday activities is stronger and more lasting. If more “extrinsic” motivation is necessary, teams focus on increasing intrinsic motivation and fading unrelated reinforcement as soon as possible.
- Refrain from implementing punitive and physically restrictive interventions

ABA therapy that improves quality of life
CSD’s behavioral therapy techniques are grounded in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), a discipline devoted to understanding and improving socially significant behavior and reaching goals that matter. Through the use of ABA principles, we teach communication, flexibility, socialization, and daily living skills.
Start early. See progress.
The first three years of a child’s life are formative in shaping cognitive and social development. Early intervention therapies help young children:
Social Skills
Taking turns and making friends
Communication Skills
Expressing wants and needs
Motor/Adaptive Skills
Dressing themselves, independent eating, and cleaning up toys
Emotional Development
Facial expressions, understanding emotions, and coping strategies
General approach to working with families.
Our collaboration with parents, family members, and caregivers is rooted in compassion and humility.
- Our parents and caregivers are expected to observe and actively participate as frequently as the program specifies, and everyday family activities/routines are incorporated into treatment.
- CSD staff focus on supporting parent-client interactions and strengthening parent-client relationships whenever possible during treatment sessions.
- Parents and family members are helped to understand typical development and are taught evidence-based techniques from multiple disciplines (e.g., child development, ABA, speech, and language pathology) to enhance interactions with their child. Recommendations, goals, and strategies are collaboratively developed to fit the family’s culture, needs, and priorities.